Setting Intentions for this course

INTRO_Conscious Teacher Assessment (1).pdf
Covers_before you begin.pdf
INTRO_Course Outline.pdf
Session1_Teacher Coaching Intake Form (1).pdf

For those of you working online only (ps. there is an option to work alongside me through the programme and have customised coaching session by session).

Once you have completed the Intentions form, please re-read through the questions and answer these parts to each question...

  1. With the intentions you set for yourself within your teaching, how close are you to these at the moment, please write about this.
  2. With the intentions you set for your relationship with your students, how close are you to these at the moment, please write about this.
  3. With your intention for your classroom, which of these do you see playing out now or close to, which of these need work to get there.
  4. With each value you have written down i want to to feel into how in integrity you are with them, how are they playing out in the classroom, how aligned are you realistically at the moment with each of these and which of them do you need to come back into alignment with.
  5. Do you resonate with the teacher you want to be seen as in 20 years and if so in which ways... if not, revisit this question at the end of the course.
  6. For your triggers I want you to notice and become aware when this is happening for you. What is your body feeling? what automatic thoughts pop into your head? write about it this week
  7. Become aware of what you tend to do when you're feeling confronted... take note this week of how you react and see if you can try to become responsive to the situation instead.
  8. Note when you are distancing/distracting yourself from this work of internal growth, feel into what is really happening underneath that, what feelings haven't been addressed? have been suppressed for a long time? and are you ready to see that it may no longer be serving you to continue with those thoughts patterns? Are you ready to push on and keep going, to create the change you want in your classroom?

Complete and Continue